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Have a look at our software development projects and get an idea of what we can do for you.
Most of the utilities in this site were developed in C++, which make them fast, small and effective.
My utilities are portable and mostly don’t require any installation. While many software companies create a bloated installation package with size of 1 – 3 MB, the size of single utility in NirSoft is usually less than 100KB.
All my utilities (except of a few very old tools) don’t write anything to the Registry or to your profile folder. This means that you can use them from a USB Flash drive, without leaving traces in the computer that you use.
Most of my utilities can be used from command-line, without displaying any user interface.
My utilities don’t collect any personal information from your computer and they will never send any information to anyone.
My utilities are completely freeware, without any catch.
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